About this item:
- The renowned children’s book “Tea-Leaf on the Roof” by Jean Ure was first released in 1983. The novel is set in post-World War II London and centres on the lives of Grace and Ellie, two young girls who are close friends and who reside above a tea store named “Tea-Leaf on the Roof.” The girls go off on a series of adventures and learn crucial lessons about fortitude, friendship, and the strength of hope despite their battles with poverty and adversity.
- A classic of children’s literature, this joyful and captivating tale is hailed for its vivid and accurate depiction of post-World War II London as well as its everlasting themes of tenacity, generosity, and the value of family and community. For both kids and adults who like uplifting and motivational tales that endure, “Tea-Leaf on the Roof” is a must-read.
- To pick up, its only £1
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